Get an Alcohol Serving Card
Alcohol serving cards from Rserving!

HomeGet a California Bartender Certification (also referred to as a California bartender's license) to make more money as a bartender.

California does not mandate alcohol server certification. However, in the event of a violation, they do assess reduced penalties to servers and managers who have passed an approved course. The PSCC Responsible Serving® Course has been approved as part of the California Responsible Beverage Server (RBS)program. In order for licensees to be eligible to receive reduced penalties, they must prove that they have successfully completed a certified RBS Training Program such as the PSCC Responsible Serving® Course. The training must have been successfully completed prior to the date of violation(s). 

PSCC Responsible Serving® Course covers information that all alcohol servers need to know. It is a valuable course to learn more about alcohol service and California's legal requirements. This certificate may also assist in a job search as some employers received reduced rates on their liquor liability insurance if their employees have been trained in responsible alcohol service.

Click here to take the responsible serving® course!